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The Eye of Osiris

“Thorndyke never forgets a likely case. He is sort of a medico-legal camel. He gulps down the raw facts from the newspapers or elsewhere, and then, in his leisure moments, he calmly regurgitates them and has a quiet chew at them.” The Eye of Osiris is a detective story written by R. Austin Freeman. The author drew on his vast medical and scientific knowledge for his main character, a medico-le..
“Thorndyke never forgets a likely case. He is sort of a medico-legal camel. He gulps down the raw facts from the newspapers or elsewhere, and then, in his leisure moments, he calmly regurgitates them and has a quiet chew at them.”

The Eye of Osiris is a detective story written by R. Austin Freeman. The author drew on his vast medical and scientific knowledge for his main character, a medico-legal investigator who depends on forensic evidence and logical deduction in solving cases.
R. Austin Freeman(1862-1943) was a British writer of detective stories, mostly featuring the medico-legal forensic investigator Dr. Thorndyke.

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