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St. Francis of Assisi

This book is a densely packed, delightful, short and insightful biography of St. Francis of Assisi written by an English philosopher G. K. Chesterton. Francis of Assisi (1181 or 1182–1226) was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon, mystic, and preacher. He founded the men's Order of Friars Minor, the women's Order of Saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land. Fra..
This book is a densely packed, delightful, short and insightful biography of St. Francis of Assisi written by an English philosopher G. K. Chesterton. Francis of Assisi (1181 or 1182–1226) was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon, mystic, and preacher. He founded the men's Order of Friars Minor, the women's Order of Saint Clare, the Third Order of Saint Francis and the Custody of the Holy Land. Francis is one of the most venerated religious figures in Christianity.

#프란체스코아시시 #전기 #종교 #G. K. 체스터턴 #영어 #원서
Gilbert Keith Chesterton(1874-1936) was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary and art critic. He has been referred to as the "prince of paradox".

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