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The D'Arblay mystery

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다블래이 미스터리 / R. 오스틴 프리먼(영어원서 읽기) 법의학 수사관 Dr. Thorndyke는 연못 아래에서 발견된 남자와 관련된 놀라운 사건에 휘말린다. 피해자는 치명적인 주사를 맞아 살해되었고, 누군가가 이 사실을 감추려 하는 것을 밝혀내기 위한 흥미로운 수사가 진행된다. "The D'Arblay Mystery" by R. Austin Freeman, a master of detective fiction, is a classic mystery novel that engages readers with a complex and intricately woven narrative. Dr. John Thorndyke, the brilliant forensic scientist, takes cente..
다블래이 미스터리 / R. 오스틴 프리먼(영어원서 읽기)

법의학 수사관 Dr. Thorndyke는 연못 아래에서 발견된 남자와 관련된 놀라운 사건에 휘말린다. 피해자는 치명적인 주사를 맞아 살해되었고, 누군가가 이 사실을 감추려 하는 것을 밝혀내기 위한 흥미로운 수사가 진행된다.

"The D'Arblay Mystery" by R. Austin Freeman, a master of detective fiction, is a classic mystery novel that engages readers with a complex and intricately woven narrative. Dr. John Thorndyke, the brilliant forensic scientist, takes center stage as he investigates a perplexing case involving a missing man and the enigmatic circumstances surrounding his disappearance. Freeman's meticulous attention to scientific detail and his protagonist's astute deductive skills set this novel apart, making it a captivating exploration of forensic science and a testament to the enduring allure of classic detective fiction.
Dr. Richard Austin Freeman(1862-1943) was a British writer of detective stories, mostly featuring the medico-legal forensic investigator Dr. Thorndyke. He invented the inverted detective story (a crime fiction in which the commission of the crime is described at the beginning, usually including the identity of the perpetrator, with the story then describing the detective's attempt to solve the mystery).

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