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Hard-boiled Action Thriller Short Story

Three people’s desires collide on a speeding train! "Preys" is a short story in the hard-boiled action thriller genre. Written by Kim Chang-hyun, a recipient of the Quarterly Mystery Newcomer Award, this novel showcases his meticulous prose and intricate plotting. Set within the clear boundaries of a train journey from departure to arrival, the story intertwines the desires of characters with d..
Three people’s desires collide on a speeding train!

"Preys" is a short story in the hard-boiled action thriller genre. Written by Kim Chang-hyun, a recipient of the Quarterly Mystery Newcomer Award, this novel showcases his meticulous prose and intricate plotting. Set within the clear boundaries of a train journey from departure to arrival, the story intertwines the desires of characters with different goals.

The main characters are as follows:

Kim Young-jin: A man determined to kill the person responsible for driving his wife to suicide.
Choi Il-ho: A doctor who married a nouveau riche daughter for success but feels disillusioned with life.
Seo Yi-ji: A girl who, despite being despised by her grandfather, aims to inherit his wealth.

Readers will be captivated by the thrilling plot and whirlwind action descriptions that make the story feel like watching an intense movie.

한국추리작가 협회 정회원.
계간 미스터리 신인상 수상.
단편소설 <주리> <아버지는 죽는다> <멸망 직전> 발표.
오디오 드라마 <아버지는 죽는다> 오디오 코믹스 제작.
장편으로는 <괴물의 그림자> <젠가게임>이 있다.
현재 글쓰기 강사로 활동 중.

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